Our Adoption Story

I have always loved the idea of adoption. I never really considered that we would be the ones adopting, though. We had Cole and Garrett within three years of each other, and then several years later came Nolan. My cup ran over and I loved being a mama to boys. They are so funny and so loving to a silly mama like me. I was content with the idea that my life would be consumed with Tonka Trucks, Thomas the Train, and baseball parks, that is until I began to realize all of the things that I would miss by not having at least one daughter. My childbearing days were over and I found myself frustrated and a tad resentful that I didn't have a girl. I look back on this now and see God's hand stirring a desire in me. God also started showing me families in our community that were raising adopted daughters from China. Their stories of abandonment and loss were heartbreaking, but the redemption that came from the gift of adoption was so inspiring. I was in one of those spiritual valleys at that time and I began to ask God to give me something that would revive me, refresh me, and excite me for the things of Him. The call began as a little thought in the depths of me somewhere, then it became a whisper, until finally the idea of adopting a child from China was clearly on the forefront of my thoughts all day and all night. I went to bed thinking and praying about it and woke in the morning with the same thoughts. God still kept confirming that He was sending us on a journey to bring home my daughter. I shared the idea with my husband and he immediately agreed that we would accept God's calling and then the adventure began. Almost eleven months later, he and I were in South China meeting our sweet Mia for the very first time. You can read about our adoption journey from start to finish on my travel and family blog... Our adoption experience has been so good, so hard to put into words. Adoption is the gospel, plain and simple. My little girl is a daily, living and breathing reminder of how God loves us so much that He'll go any distance to bring us home. We all are children of a mighty, loving God who will stop at nothing to have us with him. I tell people that everyone should adopt at least one child! Why? Because during our adoption, I've never been more amazed at God's provision, by His divine intervention in tiny details, and the faith that He grew in us to trust that He would work it all out. Watching a child that was once so tiny, so sad, and all alone develop into a happy, healthy, and confident person is so rewarding and a blessing to our family. We know what her life would have been like had she remained an orphan with no hope, so being able to provide her a new life gives me purpose and pure joy.

1 comment:

  1. It's is so wonderful that your family was able to adopt a little girl from China. She is gorgeous! Your family is beautiful and you seem like wonderful people. I am a little concerned however, that in most of your posts you constantly mention how Mia's life could have been had your family not adopted her. I really hope she doesn't grow up with the feeling of owing you and your husband her happiness and salvation and occasionally being reminded that she was saved from an orphanage. I know a couple who consider themselves the lucky ones for being able to adopt their little girl... and when told by strangers how lucky their daughter is, they say they are the luckier ones. I don't mean to offend you in the least bit, and if I did, I apologize for that. I just want to relay how it appears to some of your readers. You seem like a wonderful mother and Mia is clearly well taken care of with great amount of love.
